• Who am I?

    I am Qrystal; or at least, that's my dot-name! Har har. (My name is really Crystal, but that's not as internet-searchable; hence, switching the C for the little-used letter Q.)

    I am here because I enjoy writing. I do this mostly for myself, but I also have a passion for helping others learn things from the things I write. Now that I am done my Ph.D. in Physics, I am stepping away from academic research so that I can indulge in some creative ways to share my knowledge and inspire the appreciation of scientific thinking in others. I am also working as a tutor, which is one of the jobs I've most enjoyed doing in my life so far.

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    I Procrastinate, Part 3 – Personality Analysis

    Sunday, March 30th, 2008

    I’ve been doing more listening than writing with regards to the fabulous iProcrastinate podcasts, because I’ve been walking with my pod* more than I’ve been procrastinating at my computer. Hey, maybe that means the podcasts are helping me kick the procrastination habit! (*I use the term “pod” to describe my non-iPod mp3 player that is [...]

    I Procrastinate, Part 2 – Basic Personality Traits

    Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

    I have been listening to a really inspirational podcast series called iProcrastinate, and decided I would benefit greatly from reviewing the details discussed and relating them to my own procrastination. Yes, I realize that this is probably just another way for me to procrastinate, but the pull is just too strong to ignore.. I must [...]

    I Procrastinate, Part 1 – Intro & Definition

    Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

    I’ve been pursuing productivity for quite some time now, despite acknowledging that the research into the subject is costing me valuable time in which I could be more productive. I have wondered more than once if I might be addicted to the subject, but I am not prepared to quit cold turkey. I think my [...]