Fears in Peripheral Vision
Posted by Qrystal on June 24, 2009 at 1:11.
Category: Life. Tags: thesis.
When something is faced head-on, you can often find that it’s nowhere near as big as you thought it was when it was only in your peripheral vision.
— A quote from Catherine Cantieri’s ebook entitled, “How to Harness a Hobgoblin: The #1 Strategy to Unleash Your Creative Productivity” available at http://www.get-sorted.net.
I like this quote, because it rings so true for me. I do keep looking at my thesis in peripheral vision instead of facing it head-on, and it does keep looking humongous except when I’m actually tackling it directly.
If I can keep this quote in mind, maybe I’ll lose some of the intimidation I feel regarding working on my Uber-Big-Super-Duper-Massively-Scary-Thesis, and instead just get the frackin’ thing done!